Fauquier Baptist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
 The Reason for the Season?
"For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." Matthew 18:11
     We live in such deceiving times! If you keep up with the media, you would think that the Christmas holiday season exists solely for the benefit of our nation's merchants, and our nation's economic health. no sooner than we had finished a great Thanksgiving dinner and, guess what? The local tv talking heads zeroed right in on their version of Christmas, building up " black Friday." Black Friday is the official opening day for all shoppers everywhere who are supposed to get busy spending money for Christmas gifts. I understand that ships were lined up a month earlier, in the ports of Taiwan, India, and elsewhere around the world, waiting to be loaded to capacity with merchandise destined for our shores. I have absolutely nothing against trade and commerce. This is good and it is Biblical. Nor do I have anything against giving and receiving gifts, nor where the merchandise comes from, pagan or Christian. The point is THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. Is it solely for economic purposes and profit, or is it to celebrate the birthday of our LORD JESUS CHRIST? Not once, so far, have I heard mentioned, the Name above all names, JESUS CHRIST. Not one time.  This is a sad commentary for this nation and sadder yet, is many if not most, in America, will celebrate Christmas according to the media, the merchants, and Wall Street and not according to the Bible.
     God's Word, the Holy Bible, declares clearly and plainly that ". . .the Son of man is COME to save that which was lost," Matthew 18:11. If you have a copyrighted version (specifically the popular NIV, RSV, JWV) you will not find this verse. You may not be aware of the many omissions and just plain errors found in many of today's versions. This is just one example, one omission, check it out! I ask, how can anything with obvious omissions and flaws be called "inspired by God?" I admire a picture of my Grandmother of years ago, Polly Cox Bowers, 100% Cherokee, 100% Christian, who is proudly holding in her hands THE HOLY BIBLE. I know that her Bible is the right one. As I think of her being photographed with the Bible, in prominent view, I am ashamed that I have no pictures to pass along, not one of me, a Preacher, with the Bible. I am not ashamed, however, to preach from, to defend, to proclaim, and to carry, The Bible that is without contradiction, without any error, and that Bible is the King James Bible, the Inspired Word of God. God forbid that this imperfect Preacher would ever come before his people with an imperfect book. If ever I preached from anything other than God's Perfect Word, I would be and I would feel like a thief and a robber, misleading the sheep God has entrusted to my care. Now God's Word, the Holy Bible states that Jesus, "the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."     
     HE came! as promised hundred of years beforehand, and He did not back out! Men are quitters, procrastinators, undependable, forever backing out, but our Lord came. He came into this world one wintry night, "in the city of David, which is called Bethlehem." His earthly mother brought him forth and "wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn." When He came, the Angel of the Lord made this greatest of announcements, "I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to ALL PEOPLE. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." The Heavenly multitude could not contain their emotions," . . .a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
     Luke 2:1, "And it came to pass . . ." Thank God that He came! That He came is, THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!
     I will be getting some pictures made and I plan to buy a few gifts, and send out Christmas cards, but the reason for the season, the reason for it all is JESUS CHRIST. Thank God He ". . . came to save that which was lost."
     May each of you have a great and joyous Christmas! God bless each of you. Always put God first.